When The House at Pooh Corner opened its doors in 1979
Teri DiCesare, Founder, saw opening a daycare in her large Victorian home as a unique way to combine her Masters in Education with safe, fun, quality daycare for her own daughter, Jessie — the Corner’s first customer.
It wasn’t long before
similarly minded families found them, and the House at Pooh Corner quickly grew into its own culturally diverse community, bolstered in this by a long-tenured staff, and active involvement by parents. We continue to set an example for tolerance and sensitivity as we welcome a population gleaned from many definitions of families, from traditional to bi-racial, same-sex, single-headed, multi-generational, adopted children, foster children and foreign-born children. We cherish and maximize the opportunities that our diversity offers.
Teri saw both of her grandsons through to graduation from Pooh Corner and retired in September 2023